My Word! is a daily multi-user word search game based on Boggle by Parker Brothers.  Players pit their skills against other players and against the clock as they try to construct words from a grid of 64 randomly placed letters.  Points are awarded according to the uniqueness and length of the submitted words.  The game is divided into 3 levels that are based on the players' familiarity with Boggle:
Novice - I've never played Boggle before!
Experienced - I've played Boggle, but I'm no expert!
Professional - I rock at Boggle!

WARNING!  Our players have found the game to be a highly addictive (yet thoroughly enjoyable) daily diversion!

Register to play today!

Enter Your Name and Address
(This information is for our records only and will be kept entirely confidential.)


Choose a Screen Name, E-mail Address(es) and My Word! Level

(Screen names may include any combination of letters, numbers, question marks, periods, exclamation marks, dashes, underscores and/or apostrophes.   Use of the & symbol will result in a truncated screen name.)

Screen Name (required):
E-mail address (required):
Alternate E-mail Address:
Level (required):
Novice - I've never played Boggle™* before!
Experienced - I've played Boggle™*, but I'm no expert!
Professional - I rock at Boggle™*!


All information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any other organization

If you have trouble registering, please contact the game administrator.

*  My Word! is based on the word game Boggle by Parker Brothers.

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